Thursday, May 7, 2009

Frost on UsTrendy!

So I joined yet another online venue (because I don't spend enough time on the internet already) called Us Trendy. Though I'm a bit fuzzy on the functionality of the site, it seems like the main purpose isn't necessarily to sell, but to offer a forum to people who want to showcase their work and have it rated by their peers. Listing your portfolio online is free and the only commission comes off your items should you decide to list them for sale. For now, I've listed three of our collections with a few examples of our best work. Nothing for sale, just testing the waters to see if I actually make any connections here. So far, nata.
It seems the only selling venues I've joined that have resulted in actual sales have been Etsy and DaWanda. icraft, Big Cartel and Pink Doodle have all been a wash, aside from helping to drive occasional traffic to my blog. Which is something, I guess. Anyway, the one thing I do like about Us Trendy is the layout. It's really clean looking (don't judge them by their logo) and uploading your pics and descriptions is sooooo easy (oh why can't it be like this for every site!).
If you'd like to see what I'm talking about, click on the logo.

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