Sunday, December 6, 2009

The Christmas shopping continues...

This weekend is the first in awhile that I haven't been working or doing a craft show, so what do I decide to do? Go to a craft show! Guess I just can't get enough.
Today was Got Craft on Commercial Drive, one of the most popular and well attended shows in the city. I have a few good friends who had booths there so I thought I'd stop in for a visit.
Jayson and Jocelyn Thiessen are just about the cutest couple you've ever seen so I guess it's fitting that they run Cutseypoo Toys together. From stuffed rocket pops to cone gnomes, their toys are strange and wonderful, original and will make you giggle (which by my definition makes them perfect!).
My close friend Lesley of Smidgebox was there as well with her hand sewn goods. Her table stood out in the crowd with splashes of colour from beautiful printed fabrics, all impeccably constructed into handbags, fabric buckets and my favourite - the wee chef set. I purchased a tote from Lesley at another craft show a couple of weeks ago. It was supposed to be a gift, but I love it so much I decided to keep it and get another one!


lesley [smidgebox] said...

thanks, marie :) i have such great support from my fabulous friends! glad you love your tote

Anonymous said...

aw thanks for bloggin bout us! it was nice to see you too!!